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Analysing magazine front covers

- The font style of this front cover is the traditional typeface for all Total film magazines. It uses a bold red colour to make the most exciting information more visible. The have highlighted the words 'Spider-Man' and 'Exclusive!' to grab the readers attention. These words give the reader a snippet of what the inside of the magazine will be about.

- The cover lines on this front cover have two main ones, The interview with Tom Holland and the new Scream film that is coming out. These two stories are enough for anyone to pick up the magazine as it has big topics that have been talked about for a very long time. Using a massive franchise like Scream as the main image and as one of the cover lines will bring in lots more engagement and interaction with the magazine due to how big of a fanbase it has.

- The main image would of course have to have a dark tone/feel to it due to it being of an iconic horror threat like Ghostface. Because of his black cloak and white mask, the use of keeping the whole colour palete dark tones really shows everyone the tone they are trying to make, which is this dark, mysterious feel, especially since the pose of Ghostface is of him holding a knife up looking straight at the reader.

- The style of the masthead is again of the classic style of Elle. They have changed the colour of it to fit into the dress that the main image, Zoe Kravitz, is wearing. It does make it look more pleasing on the eye as it now all flows with each other. They did the exact same for the text that is on the sides of the page. The directly addressed words like, 'We'll keep it short' in red hit the readers eye first and make it feel like Elle themselves are talking directly to the reader.

- The main coverline is in a sans serif font, which looks very clean and modern due to it being very narrow and in the colour white. It only talks about the main image and what the interview inside is about, it only gives the slightest peek into what it could be about but the words 'New dawn' are quite effective in dragging the readers into wanting to know, What is this new dawn?.

- The magazine does have three sells about what information they could learn just by reading into it. Because this is a women's magazine it talks about brand new hairstyles that are 'trendy' and the big bold words of 'Crazy, Sexy, Cool' again uses common topic that the majority of women like and use it to gain more readership.

- The style of image used is the woman looking directly at the camera and directly addressing the audience. If someone is looking straight at you, you are more inclined to what to look around and see what it is saying. Her facial expressions are very relaxed and echo a swagger about her. She knows she looks good and her confidence that has travelled through the camera onto the front cover will also make her look more interesting to engage with and therefore what to read on even more.

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