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Final review

Final review

In my advert I have used techniques like Pathos to appeal to my audience in the best way. Using Pathos ties into the emotional feel a person will get when they read this advert. On my print ad I have used words to tie into this feeling. Replacing the words, ‘KitKat’, with ‘Breathe’ on the chocolate bar. This emphasises my idea for this advert. It is reminding people to relax, take a break from work and look after themselves. This idea also brings in the catchy slogan to it, ‘Have a break, Have a KitKat’. Another persuasive technique I have used is the Donald Gunn advertising strategy, Symbolise the benefit. I have symbolised the benefit by showing that while on your break having a KitKat will help you de-stress and relax, all by using the word Breathe. Consumers can look at this word and make their own connotations about the advert, mainly they will take that word and the slogan and piece together what this advert means.

Also, in this advert I have used many technical codes like Image and text to make the advert look super realistic and something that KitKat could have made. The text I decided to use for this advert was the iconic KitKat font. This just adds to the realism aspect of the advert. If I had used any other type of font, it would have made the words look out of place on the page and make it flow oddly. Another code I have used is colour. I chose the iconic red background/theme for this advert as it is what customers associate with when it comes to the brand. You wouldn’t think it would be for Cadbury’s or Mars Bar just from the colour palette used. Because the brand is timeless and has been around for many years the target audience, working class, males, and females around the age of 24-35, will notice this straightway as this is what they would have grown up having on their school breaks and now they should also have it for their work breaks. This again demonstrates the timelessness being shown.

Leading on from before, I have appealed to my target audience by connecting their childhood with their present. This again shows the use of Pathos in the advert. The stresses of modern-day jobs now can get people very stressed out, this ad telling them to take break and have a breather with a KitKat takes them way back and makes the ad stick out more and become memorable to the audience.

This advert does look like your normal advertisement KitKat would make. It follows the modern, simplistic format that KitKat use in all their recent print adverts. The main image in the centre, along with the main title right next to it. And the classic slogan located at the bottom which would be the last thing you see as you glance over it. It leaves you with that piece of the advert lingering in your mind due to the catchy slogan. I didn’t change it because simply it was too good to change. You could just have a blank page with just the slogan, and you would instantly know what the advert was for.

I have decided to place my advert on a busy main street in London. It is placed here as the street will see hundreds and thousands of people walking past it or even driving past. The bright red colour scheme grabs the attention of the consumers and catches their eye. The main age demographic of London is people in their late 20s to 30s which fits my target audience perfectly. Another reason I have decided to place it here is because of the number of tourists that visit London every single day. The will more than likely fit into this age range and can also either relate the exact same to the normal consumer or can find out about it for the first time.

The placement of this advert works very well with what I’m trying to achieve which my target audience as putting it on a busy London Street were many working people walk through to go home or even out. London is a hot spot for people in this demographic which is why I have chosen it. The lifestyle of this audience are the working class and your regular people you see on the street, again this relates completely to the location and setting you find the advert in.

Also, the position of the advert on a busy London Street means more eyes look around and see it. With the bright background colour on it, it will stand out against the other adverts that maybe advertised around it. As well as this, the fact it is near/right on the road means if there is heavy traffic and people are stuck in their cars they will be waiting and may spot the advert through their windows. The position of it is very good and makes sure the maximum amount of people can see it.

Finally, if I was to change anything with my advert it would be to put my advert on social media. Putting it on there will expand the amount of consumers it will get as nearly 5 billion people use it. I’m not saying all of them will see it, but it will definitely reach 10x more people then it would as a advert in the middle of London. Social media also has algorithms which can target a certain demographic, meaning even more interaction with this print advert. I would also add in something else to the main image to add a bit more excitement to it. For me it looks clean and modern, but I feel I could have added a little more to spruce it up and make it a little more eye catching.

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