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donald gunn techniques

Updated: Oct 12, 2021

1 – The comparison advert is using Donald Gunn techniques by pointing out how their product is superior to another and focusing on how much better it is than something else. Consumers are going to see this advert and think that maybe they should shop elsewhere as they can get it cheaper somewhere else.

2 – The ‘demo’ advert gives consumers a visual example of how a product is going to work. It gives people an idea of what they are getting if the buy it. Ads like these usually feature cleaning products like detergents including Ariel.

3 - Ads that feature celebrities, characters that people know or even spokespersons of the brand are making the advert more memorable as this person will now be associated with the brand and will now stick in the consumers head when they see the celeb or character, for example the Meercats from the Compare the market ads.

4 – Testimonial adverts give consumers almost a review of a product, sometimes by a well-known figure or your average person who this ad would appeal too.

5 – Ads that show or symbolise a problem, also show consumers how to fix said problem with their product.

6 – Benefit causes story ads tell a whole storyline while advertising the product. Usually perfume ads have a whole story about how if you use a certain perfume, you’ll meet the love of your life. This shows consumers that using this product will benefit you positively

7 – Ads that symbolise it’s benefits visually show what will happen if you use a product.

8 – Exemplary story ads focuses all on the benefits of something. Throughout the whole ad it will show all the great things that happen. For example, Sandal’s resort advert, shows a stress-free couple, relaxing on a white beach. This shows how good of a time the people in the ad are having and how that could be you.

9- In some ads Parody of well-known movies, TV shows and other adverts infusing humour is used. KFC is an example, when they ran out of chicken they apologised by using the iconic FCUK brand.

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