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Radio advertising analysis

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

Bisto - The Great British Roast

At the start of the advert you straight away here the sizzling sound of the roast cooking, and then right after that the woman starts talking about how families get ready to eat together. The woman's voice is very calm and low pitched. You would usually associate this voice with an older woman, more like a grandmother, which gives people a sense of family already and togetherness. The different sound effects throughout almost put the listener into the scene of a family having a roast dinner, the chatters of the guests and the rings of their phones make it feel very homey and realistic. This advert uses benefit causes story to advertise how you could have this togetherness and happiness while eating with your family if you use this Bisto gravy. If you here an older woman telling you that you should use when making dinner then stereotypically you will just automatically think she is true as it reminds people of their own grandmothers and mothers who they have grown up with cooking Sunday dinner. It also uses words like 'Authentic, rich, roasted flavor', and lists them as its so good you have to list all the words you can describe it with.

Boots - Hearing test campaign

In this advert Boots are advertising their very own hearing tests that they want people to come down and have one but they are also highlighting the importance of your ears and hearing in life. While the song 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' plays in the background half way through the music cuts off and doesn't return for another couple seconds. It shows consumers the importance of sound in life and also highlights what actual deaf people live with everyday. The use of silence in this advert gives people time to almost digest what they has just happened and then they can form their own opinions on the music and the silence. It emphasizes again how different life would be if we couldn't here the sounds of life. This is an ad that highlights a problem and then later on shows how it can be fixed (by having an ear test). It plays on the emotions of the listener. Obviously, nobody wants to be deaf and by leaving that couple seconds of silence it gives people a taste of what deaf people go through, not to an extreme extent but gives them just a little something to take from this ad and think about it, and ultimately get a hearing test if they feel they are having problems.

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